about the auction
the basics
Creators/people run their own individual auction on Twitter under the hashtag #Creators4Comics.
Twitter users scroll through the auction items under the hashtag and reply to individual item threads to place bids. Post bids on the original item thread only (no bids on quote-tweets or retweets).
TIP: Click on the original tweet to open up the thread under the item to see what others are bidding.

Instructions For Creators and Bidders
Anyone can host an auction if they use the hashtag #Creators4Comics and require the winning bidder to donate the auction amount to the Book Industry Charitable Foundation (BINC).
You don’t need an invitation to post an auction. Everyone is welcome to participate!
Each creator/person hosting an auction will create a tweet for each item, service, event, or experience they are donating. Each item must be listed in a separate tweet. The tweet should include a photo of the item or a supporting image if possible, auction end time (April 20, 2020 @ 12 PM EST), opening bid amount for valuable items, and the hashtag #Creators4Comics.
Please let us know if you are auctioning an item by tweeting to us at @Creators4Comics so we can promote your auction!
Twitter users reply directly to that tweet with their bid in U.S. dollars. Bidding continues on that thread (in increments of $1 U.S. dollar or more) until the auction end time.
When the auction ends, the person hosting the auction will message the highest bidder on the auction thread to confirm the winner.
The highest bidder should make their donation directly to BINC. Winner must provide a donation receipt to the auction host in the form of a confirmation email from BINC (or a screenshot of the email).
When proof of donation has been received, the person hosting the auction will let the winner know when they will ship the item (when Shelter In Place and social distancing guidelines in their area allow) or the date and time the online/virtual event will take place.
Sample Tweets
Instructions Tweet:
Creators are raising money for comic shops & indie bookstores in a #Creators4Comics auction!
• Follow the hashtag.
• Like an item? Make a bid in the author's replies.
• Closes April 20, 2020, @ 12 PM EST.
• Winner donates to BINC!
Creator/Fan Tweet For Auction Item:
Win (SPECIFIC ITEM) to benefit #Creators4Comics.
• Bid by replying to this tweet (specify INTL or US only AND state the opening bid amount for particularly valuable items).
• Auction closes April 20th, at 12 PM EST.
• If you win, donate directly to BINC.
Tips for Bidders
TIP 1:
Bookmark the tweets you place bids on so you can easily check to see if you are outbid.
TIP 2:
Or write down the username of the accounts you place bids on. To look them up, type our hashtag (#Creators4Comics) + from: USERNAME into the Twitter search bar.